Befriend the disease

There’s a common and universal association of disease with “bad” in this world. And there’s no question that disease can lead to suffering, and even death. At minimum, disease is uncomfortable. Case in point: check this out. I developed boils a few years ago, the first one emerging within two days of joining an intense, female ancestral healing circle. This …

Real Talk on Ayurveda & Yoga in the West on Elements of Ayurveda Podcast

I was an honored guest on the Elements of Ayurveda podcast with Colette Kent this month, and let me start by saying that Colette’s contribution to the ayurvedic community and the wellbeing of our world is massive. She has recorded hundreds of episodes with loads of information about Vedic medicine and lifestyle, featuring a powerful roster of guests. Being a …

My yoga certification

My first yoga class was in college while living in New York City, and it was the epitome of what we yoga professionals learn shouldn’t be happening. I was naturally flexible and confident with this “stretching.” After class, the woman who had invited me started practicing her headstand, and I was compelled to join in. It looked easy! As I …

Hello. I’m Jamila.

I’m a priestess. A poet. An artist. An author. They sent me here to teach people how to love all things, how to cherish each salty tear, crimson stain, speck of mud and foggy sky, to see a six legged creature and know why. I was sent here to pour glasses of peace and fill plates with knowledge, so we …